Wednesday 5 November 2014

Sh.Rabee حفظه الله about Sh.Muqbil رحمه الله

Shaykh Muhaddith Rabee bin Haadee al-Madkhalee

Shaykh Rabee also said:

‘He is a reviver of Islaam in the country of Yemen. There has not been, since the time of AbdurRazaq as-Sanaani until our time, anyone who has established the Dawa’ and revived it like al-Waadi’ee.’
Taken from ‘Nubtha Mukhtasira’ (p.9) by Umm Abdullaah the daughter of Shaykh Muqbil
He also said in his advice to the Salafis of Yemen and in poetry he recited when mourning for the Shaykh:
‘This is what we express as condolence about the flag bearer of the Sunnah and Tawheed, that caller to Allaah, the reviver in truth in the land of Yemen. The effects of his Dawa’ reached to many regions of the earth.

I say to you what I believe, that your country, after the best generations, came to know the Sunnah and the Manhaj of the Salaf as-Saalih.  The Sunnah appeared at different periods of time with strength, yet still I do not know of any period like this, with which Allaah has blessed you and the people of Yemen at the hands of this righteous man, theMuhadith, the Zahid, the Wara’ who stamped the world and its adornment under his feet.’   Dated: 1422/5/1
Taken from ‘al-Abhaaj bitarjamat al-Allama al-Muhadith Abee Abu AbdurRahmaan Muqbil bin Hadi al-Waadi’ee wa Dar al-hadeeth bi-Damaj’ p.163

Shaykh Rabee also said: On the death of our Shaykh the Imam Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi’ee may Allaah have mercy on him:
‘May Allaah make your reward great and give good condolences, may He forgive your dead.  Allaah gives and takes what is His and everything has an appointed time.  This is the Sunnah of AllaahTabaraka wa Ta’ala and all praise belongs to Allaah.
I ask Allaah that He covers this man with His mercy and is pleased with him. This man Zahid, the pious, whom I regard InshAllaah as a reviver in our time from the revivers of Islaam.  May Allaah have mercy on him.  He was burdened with carrying the Dawa’ and he handled its responsibility, its difficulties and toiling with patience,Zuhud and piety.  All these means helped in spreading his Dawa’ and raising his status InshAllaah with his Lord and with the Muslims.
It is obligatory on his students that they continue on the path of the noble Messenger -alayhi as-sallat wa sallam - in the light of the Book and the Sunnah and upon the Manhaj of the Salaf as-Salih – upon the actions of the Manhaj of this man who you saw with your eyes, witnessed with your sight and came to know.

I hope that his example was a living example for you to follow in theDeen and to hold onto in piety and Zuhud and with patience at theharm faced in making the word of Allaah Tabaraka wa Ta’ala high and spreading the Deen of Allaah Azza wa Jal.
Taken from ‘al-Abhaaj bitarjamat al-Allama al-Muhadith Abee Abu AbdurRahmaan Muqbil bin Hadi al-Waadi’ee wa Dar al-hadeeth bi-Damaj’ p.164

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