Wednesday 19 November 2014

Be Gentle with the Salafis , Oh Salafi !

Shaykh Rabee’ Bin Haadee Al Madkhalee (hafithahullah) stated,

“I know that you are not infallible. Nor are the scholars infallible. We can make mistakes. By Allah, when a person has entered into (the innovation of) the Raafidah, or the Mu’tazilah, or the Jahmiyyah, partisanship that is present (in this day and time), indeed this is the one who is abandoned. As for the Salafi, the one who has an alliance with the Salafis, he loves the salafi methodology – May Allah bless you – he hates the groups (of deviance), he hates innovation and its people, this is the one who we are gentle with. We do NOT abandon him. Rather we advise him, we save him, we are patient upon him and we treat him (with gentleness). May Allah bless you all. For (if) it (were) to be said,
“Whoever makes a mistake he is destroyed!”
Based upon this there will never remain anyone! For this you see these individuals that when they were done with the youth, they began with the Scholars, doing away with them. This is the Manhaj of The Muslim Brotherhood.”
Source: Majmoo’ wa Rasaa-il ash-Shaykh 1/483
Translator: Abu Yusuf Khaleefah

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﴿3: ١٥٩﴾ 

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The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said:
“Verily, amongst you are those who chase people away.”
And he sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said :
“Make things easy and do not make them difficult. And give good tidings and do not chase people away.”
Use these etiquettes. If you want good for yourselves and for the people, follow the Qur’an and Sunnah’s guidelines for interacting with one another and for spreading this call.
Allah says:
“Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are severe against the unbelievers and merciful among themselves”
(Surah Al-Fat’h:29)
And He says:
“And lower your wing (i.e be courteous) to the believers.”
(Surah Al-Hijr :88)
And He says:
“And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you”
(Surah Aali Imraan:159)
Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam was the best and most perfect, eloquent and knowledgeable of human beings. Had he not had these characteristics, the people would have fled from him and abandoned him and his call. So what about poor you!! We need to have good manners and good interactions with one another before anything. And we need to have brotherhood and unity. Furthermore, when calling, we must employ wisdom and fair admonition.
“Severe against the unbelievers.” This is if they do not accept our call, i.e we fight against those who deserve to be fought. But this of course is after the proper introductory steps – after the invitation and clarification; after all these things, may Allah bless you. Being severe and harsh against the hypocrites means that we establish the proofs against them, but not with bad manners.
The point is that we do not have any swords with us today except that of proofs, evidences, and good manners. Using proper etiquettes is the most effective weapon in suppressing deviants, repelling them with proofs and refuting unbelievers. And in this lies guidance for everyone. May Allah bless you.

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