Saturday 8 November 2014

Imam Muqbil's Tazkiyah for SPUBS

Imam Muqbil رحمه الله said in his famous treatise هذه دعوتنا و عقيدتنا 

12-  نرى وجوب التعاون مع أي مسلم في الحق ونبرأ إلى الله من الدعوات الجاهلية .

Also his tazkiyah for those noble brothers in Salafi Publications is not hidden : 

About Salafi Publications

"From Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee
(may Allaah preserve him)

“Dated 1st of Rabee ath-Thaanee 1419 after Hijrah.
Our Brothers for the sake of Allaah, the Salafees, the brothers at al-Maktabah as-Salafiyyah and Islamic Centre in the city of Birmingham in Britain are mentioned with righteousness and love for the Sunnah and calling to it and making war against innovations and hizbiyyah (partisanship).
I hope that our brothers from Ahl us-Sunnah agree to co-operate with them financially* and spiritually for they are deserving of that
Verily, Allaah supports His slave as long as he is in support of his brother. May Allaah protect them, for they are facing the call of Christianity and Atheism and the call to nakedness and unveiling as well as the calls of innovation and hizbiyyah. And they protect their brothers from slipping into corruption, calamity and innovations and other than that from the various types of misguidance. May Allaah grant success for all that He loves and is pleased with.
(Shaikh) Abu Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waad’iee from Sa’dah in Yemen”
[Original document: Salafi Publications, Archives]
* Of course this does not mean that the Shaikh (rahimahullaah) is approving of donation boxes and the like, but it is a clear statement of recommendation that Salafi Publications be aided financially in their da’wah efforts by ahlus-Sunnah.

Abu Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waad'iee from Sa'dah in Yemen"


But its sad to see some so-called salafis attacking our brothers & trying to bring them down instead of encouraging them & supporting them upon Good !
Wallahul musta'an

Take a look at this  if you think that Tazkiya is old & has expired ! This is New

Latest TAZKIYA renewed @ 1437

Benefit from this Great Imam bn Baz رحمه الله 
فعلى المسلم أن يطلب الحق، فإذا وجد مركزاً إسلامياً يدعو إلى الحق، أو جماعة في أي مكان يدعون إلى الحق - أي: إلى كتاب الله وسنة رسوله، وإلى العقيدة الطيبة - في أوربا، أو في أفريقيا، أو في أي مكان، فليكن معهم يطلب الحق ويلتمس الحق ويصبر عليه ويكون مع أهله. هذا هو الواجب على المسلم، فإذا لم يجد من يدعو إلى الحق لا دولة ولا جماعة لزم الحق وحده واستقام عليه، فهو الجماعة حينئذ كما قال ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه لعمرو بن ميمون. 

Its well known that Sh.Muqbil  rahimahullah is a human being who doesnt know what will happen after his death.
and his tazkiya was based upon facts what he knew in his life time which  ended in this dunya around 2001
may ALLAH have mercy upon him & bring back the salafis who deviated from the path of the salaf.

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