Tuesday 25 November 2014

Let's be generous to our Neighbours

Let us examine other Hadtih : “ He whosever believes in Allah’s Apostle , صلى الله عليه و سلم and the final Day of Judgment must be good to his neighbor.” This Hadith is reported by Muslim. Of course , this hadith is self-explanatory as it ties in good faith and strong belief with the state of being good to one’s own neighbors.
 This is an act of high consideration to the social ties in society as the neighborhood represents an essential nucleus or part of the society at large. Islam does not neglect such important rights of immediate neighbors who at, at times becomes closer than relatives or the distant family members . One may see his neighbors more than he sees his family members. In terms of pressing needs and things that require prompts attention and immediate help , assistance or solutions, a distant relative or far away family member would be helpless and may be useless. A neighbor is close and comes immediately to the rescue of his needy neighbor would be of tremendous help and value. This is one of the reasons why Islam capitalizes on the ties and relationship of neighbors.
From sh Uthaymeens book : Essential Rights

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