Thursday 2 July 2015

Failure to report terrorists a sin, says senior scholar

JEDDAH:  Failing to report what one knows about the presence or plans of terrorists and extremists is a “grave sin” and makes the person who fails to do so an accomplice to the resulting actions, according to Abdullah bin Suleiman Al-Manae, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars and adviser to the royal court.

“We must comply and cooperate with any agency or authority that strives to protect our religion, safety and security. All members of society must play a role in fighting evil and overcoming it,” he said.

He condemned the recent bombings in mosques for transforming sacred and safe places into places of fear. He described the acts as “unprecedented in history” and unrepresentative of the peaceful values of Islam.

“As their evil has spread not only across the Islamic and Arab world but also to Europe, we hope that the United Nations will take harsh action and coordinate efforts to overcome these groups who do nothing but promote evil and misrepresent Islam,” he said.

As to the role of scholars in denouncing such acts, Al-Manae said no Islamic scholar or authority supports or condones these actions. Many have issued statements and directives to warn people of these deviant and erroneous trends, and the public must combine efforts to become a powerful force against such evil.

Regarding the role of families in preventing children from getting involved in these activities, he said parents must guide their children and remove temptations that may guide them in the wrong direction. Educational authorities, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Haia), should intensify guidance and detection efforts in order to protect our children and give them the knowledge to determine who is their enemy and who is their friend. All members of society must report any knowledge of dangerous or suspicious activities or behavior in order to avoid being accomplices of the deviants.

Al-Manae said young people should do more to seek guidance from scholars about the actual Shariah principles, while scholars and experts should stand together and appeal to the young in order to prevent extremists from brainwashing them and instilling distrust for scholars.

As for the presence of suspicious sites as a source of spreading deviant ideas, Al-Manae confirmed that all young people have the “responsibility to ask questions and obtain information from trustworthy sources,” as well as ensuring the security, protection and stability of the country in the face of evil

Question posed to Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahab Marzooq al-Banna
Translated by Abdulilah Lahmami
Is it permissible to inform the disbelieving authorities about another Muslim who is deviant in his methodology and understanding of Islam since that person will cause harm to the Muslim society and the society at large?
In times of trials like this in which we are in, if a Muslim is asked about the condition of another Muslim, that Muslim who he’s being asked about is upon a way or methodology that is different from what Islam came with like killings and attacking without just cause then it is upon that person who is asked to say that which he knows about those people. He should say the truth openly. Because in that there is a prevention of these types of attacks and killings that take place which oppose the way of Islam. At the same time by doing so, the person being asked removes doubts from himself in the minds of those people. Such that, if he had hidden anything they would have considered him also to be a terrorist in the same way. The actions of the Khawaarij or killing people without cause and just reason or destroying companies and buildings, this has nothing to do with Islam in the slightest. As for the proof that some people use by saying that whoever transgresses against you then you transgress against them similarly, this is with regard to two people similar in status rather your Lord says “And if you forgive then this is closer to piety.” And He also says “And if he forgives then his reward is with Allaah.” On top of that we all see the results of these types of attacks and these types of unjustified killings and the way that it has brought harm to the Muslims. Maybe even bad thoughts and misunderstanding about Islam in itself.

Is it Betrayal to Turn the Terrorists in to the Authorities?

Question: Honorable Shaykh, some of the youth come sometimes and ask about this
issue: if I find someone who defends these people (the Khawārij, terrorists, etc.) and their
plots, should I turn them in and inform (the authorities) of them?
  Some people consider
this to be a form of betrayal on the part of the authorities, and that it is impermissible to
do this. We hope your eminence will explain this.

Answer: The prophet ( صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم ) said:
الدِّيْنُ النَّصِيْحَة
“The religion is sincerity (giving sincere advice).”
He repeated this three times. We (the companions) asked, “To whom, messenger of
Allah?” He answered:
للهِ ، وَلِكِتَابِهِ ، وَلِرَسُوْلِهِ ، وَلِلأَئِمَّةِ المُسْلِمِيْنَ وَعَامَّتِهِم
“To Allah, His book, His messenger, to the leaders of the Muslims and their
common people.”
So, anyone who falls into these issues, he should be sincerely advised and explained the
reality of these matters. If he desists (from holding these beliefs), then thanks are due to
Allah. If he does not desist yet he keeps quiet and does not actually do anything, then
leave him – his sin is upon himself. But if he actually and outwardly does something to
deceive other Muslims or always talks about it, spreading this filthy ideology, then it is an
obligation to turn him in. This is a part of being sincere to Allah, His book, His messenger,
to the Muslim leaders and the common people. 

Related : 

Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghudayyaan said, "This [informing the police in this case] is an obligation.
It is mandatory that he informs them [the police] because this is transgression without any right; this is oppression on his part.
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, “Aid your brother whether he is the oppressed or the oppressor.”
The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was asked, “How do you aid an oppressor?” He said,“Prevent him from his oppression.” [Bukhari no. 2286]
[Informing the authorities] will prevent a Muslim from being unjust, and this will prevent people from being oppressed due to the result of [his plans]. From another angle, this will be beneficial to the society as there are many Muslims amongst them.
So this can be considered from [the following] three aspects:
1. Helping the one who intends to commit suicide [or some other forms of terrorist attack], [by preventing him from his oppression].
2. Helping those who will feel the consequences of this attack, due to the killing and injuries that would occur.
3. Helping the other Muslims, those who might be harmed by this.
These three aspects are including in the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: “Aid your brother whether he is the oppressed or the oppressor.”

What is our stance on those who returned to the UK after having joined ISIS?

Our stance towards them depends. If they have acknowledged their grave mistake and deviance, and returned to what is right, and repented, and this is observable in their actions and behaviour, it is our duty to encourage them, monitor them and work on bringing them close. We should not leave them to the devices of those evil people, in order to prevent their falling prey to them and their landing them in evil once again.

However, if they agree with their methodology, conduct, deviance and still support these organisations, our duty with respect to them is in two parts;

The first is that we work on advising them and clarifying the truth to them, as well as clarifying to them the detrimental nature of their adopted beliefs and motivations. We clarify to them that Allāh ﷻ and His Messenger ﷺ forbids these groups and organisations, and that they will lead them into peril, or even situations with blameworthy consequences. Then, if they comply, submit and acknowledge all of that, they have received Allāh’s ﷻ favour that He gives to whomever He wills. After that, they should be monitored and observed.

The second part: if they do not comply, refuse to give up this ideology, refuse to give up this urge and misconception, and refuse to break ties with those groups and organisations, and those who are acquainted with them are sure that they have not complied, repented or quit, and that they do not intend to. It is a duty to inform the nation’s relevant authorities about them in order to counteract their evil and negate their threat. This may even be more for their own benefit than the benefit of others. Allah is The Enabler and The Guide to the straight path.

1. Minister and Dean of Imām Muḥammad ibn Saʿūd Islamic University – Riyadh, KSA

And all success lies with Allaah."

السؤال: شكر الله لكم، يقول السائل:
هل يجوز للمسلمين أن يبلغوا السلطات في ألمانيا عن المحرضين على التفجير والإرهاب؟ بارك الله فيكم.

أي نعم! نعم؛ يجوز لهم أن يفعلوا ذلك من عرفوا أن يريد أن يقتل الناس في أسواقهم، أو في مساجدهم، أو في مطاراتهم وعنده من المتفجرات وعنده من القنابل وهذا البلاء؛ فيجب أن يبلغ عليه.
لكن إذا استطاع أن ينصحه، وغلب على ظنه أن هذا الرجل سينتصح، وأنه مغرر به، وأنه سيترك هذا الأمر؛ فلابأس من النصيحة، ولابأس من الجلوس معه، وبيان الحق. أما إذا علم أنه سيفعل سيفعل وسيقتل؛ فليبلغ عنه، لأن هذا لا يجوز. بل إن المسلم إذا عاش في بلاد أهل الكفر ودخل بلادهم، سيدخل بمواثيق وعهود، وهذه من المواثيق والعهود، الأ يرتضي هذا التفجير، ولا يرتضي هذا القتل، فإذا كنت -أنت- لا ترتضيه لنفسك، كذلك لا ترتضيه لهم بهذه الطريقة، بهذا الغدر، بهذه الخيانة، فقد حرم الإسلام ذلك.

أجاب عنها الشيخ عرفات بن حسن المحمدي في محاضرة بعنوان "حق غير المسلمين" ألقاها فضيلته بتاريخ 16 جمادى الثانية 1437هـ وذلك ضمن سلسلة "الحقوق الشرعية" المقامة بمسجد تقي الدين الهلالي بكولونيا الألمانية، والتي تم بثها على إذاعة ميراث الأنبياء باللغة الألمانية.

الملفات المرفقه

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