Sunday 3 May 2015

Some contradictions of AL-LUHOOM in difft languages !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Since the World Wide Web has become a well known platform to SPREAD whatever anyone wants....
The People of Baatil spread their falsehood rapidly to the whole world...
The confused public may get trapped in this Net of fitan & fasad mixing up haqq & baatil ...

A small example from the confusions of the confusers who claim our great scholar Sh.Rabee' حفظه الله is confused !

The Arabic (hardcore haddadi) Aloloom site doesnt recommend al-'allamah Rabee' حفظه الله anymore as they claim he has traces of IRJAA & he defends the Hizbis & he oppressess the salafis etc etc etc....

 As you can see above, Sh.Rabee is not recommended anymore by these fanatics !

 Look how the founder of this website deliberately ignores Sh.Rabee's name amogst the Senior scholars while attaching alhajuri to that list !
And see here how Yusuf al'inabi makes explicit Tabdee' of Imam Rabee' حفظه الله accusing him of IRJAA ! Wallahul musta'an !
The members of al-luhoom are now accusing each other of Irjaa ! Ghulooo & Haddadiya !!!

Some members of aloloom are attributing Jealousy & Hawaa to Yusuf al-'inabi who is one the leading members of that forum !!
OK !
The Arabic version & its leaders & members have ruled out Sh.Rabee' حفظه الله  to be out ! Thats it !

The English version of this site claims to advise the great scholar Rabee' حفظه الله  as their leader had done so with adab & manners !! So they dont recommend him & they ask Allah to rectify him !

The New Young malayalam sister site which followed the parent site claims to recommend Sh.Rabee' حفظه الله but they dont follow his mistakes !!!

This is the contradiction between their allies !!!
All of them ALOLOOM (sumoom) but only the language changed !!
And the Fitna is the same !

May Allah save us from the sickness of the Haddadees ...

نسأل الله العافية و السلامة

Sh.Rabee' حفظه الله  recommeds the great Scholar sh.ubayd حفظه الله & praises him as an Imam of Salafiyyah !
Whereas these fanatical youth of al-luhoom (as-Sumoom) categorised this great Imam of Jarh wa-ta'deel as a petty follower of Sh.ubayd حفظهما الله

For the post where these haddadees claim that our noble scholar Rabee' حفظه الله has traces of Irjaa see this post :

Listen to Shaykh Fawzan's defence for Sh.Rabee' حفظهما الله

Are you confused ?!
Or the great Imam of Jarh wa ta'deel is confused ?!!
When you Obey Allah

فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ 
and ask the scholars...
You'd be nick named "Muqallid"  

Its not just you who are confused rather majority of the  salafi scholars are 
Allamah ubayd al jabiree حفظه الله 
Allamah muhammad bn hadee حفظه الله 
Sh. Dr. Abdullah albukhaari حفظه الله 
Sh.Dr. Mohammed bazmool حفظه الله 
etc etc etc... 

Why confuse the people & use the names of our scholars of Sunnah to spread your poison (sumoom) ?

اعْدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ 

The Truth is still prevalent Walhamdulillah..

Know the status of our renowned senior scholar 

In thier rancour to refute the ulema who oppose them, they went so far as to not see what they write...

At times they accused salafi ulema of irjaa' while at other times they accused them of takfeer !!
سبحان الله العظيم 

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