Tuesday 26 May 2015

Seeking Knowledge - ابن باز

As for the other sciences, they have their own significance and importance, like mining, agriculture, farming, and other beneficial industries. It is a collective duty to learn some of these industries depending upon the requirements of the Muslims. A ruler should order and help the Muslims to learn what they are in need of, to achieve welfare and be on guard of their enemies. The actions of the servant of Allah will be regarded as worship whenever his intention is set right. If he does an action without an intention, then it is permissible. I mean the different kinds of permissible industries, i.e. mining, agriculture, farming, etc.

All of these things are necessarily required along with the sincere intention that makes it worship; leaving the intention makes it permissible. Sometimes it may be regarded as collective obligation if necessity dictates. It is compulsory on the ruler to appoint the necessary people to learn this knowledge; its importance depends upon the situation, which differs according to the intention and the necessity.

As for the knowledge of the Shari`ah, it is obligatory, since Allah has created jinn and men to worship and fear Him. There is no way to achieve that but through the knowledge of the Book and the Sunnah as mentioned above.

It is the duty of the seekers of knowledge to understand and study the religion, to learn and reflect upon what Allah's has prescribed, to know the `Aqidah of the Salafiyyah (those following the way of the righteous predecessors)

(Part No. 2; Page No. 315)

which the Prophet (peace be upon him) preached, and his Companions and their followers in righteousness followed. It is the belief in Allah, His Messengers, His Names and His Attributes, believing in them in a manner that befits Allah without Tahrif (distortion of the meaning), Ta`til (denial of Allah's Attributes), Takyif (descriptive designation of Allah's Attributes), or Tamthil (likening Allah's Attributes to those of His Creation).

This is the approach and the way of the people of knowledge, as it was the approach of the messengers (peace be upon them), their Companions, and their successors who followed them in righteousness.

We ask Allah to grant the seekers of knowledge success; to help and guide them to everything that He is pleased with; to make them a means to guide His slaves and make their condition better. Indeed, He (Glorified and Exalted be He) has Power over all things. May the peace and prayers be upon our Prophet and Messenger Muhammad ibn `Abdullah, his family, his Companions, and those who followed them in righteousness.

FULL article :

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