Sunday 28 December 2014

Every one loves Laila !

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Dear brothers,

There is an arabic saying which means  :

Every one claims to love LAILA but Laila doesnt agree to everyone('s claim) !

This is a v.comprehensive speech to reflect upon esp. in our times. For indeed those groups & individuals who claim to Love & follow the Manhaj of Fawzan, Abbad & Kibaarul Ulema are plenty !

But if you want to know the reality of those claimants, Simply return to the senior scholars (or thier students) & check it out (whether those claimants are really upon the true manhaj of these 'ulema). Dont be amazed by their (empty) affiliation with Fawzan, Abbad, Suhaymee etc etc while infact these youth are upon a Manhaj of Ghuloo, fanaticism & partisanship !

نعوذ بالله من فتنة الدعاة إلى أبواب جهنم

Similar to the Sufis who claim to love our Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم & the Shi'ah claim to love 'Ali رضي الله عنه & now the so-called Salafis claim to follow Fawzan, 'Abbad & suhaymee !

( Their deliberate ignoring of al-'allamah Rabee, 'allamah 'ubayd & 'allamah luhaydan حفظهم الله is not hidden to the Just salafi !)

May Allah save us from HAWAA  & Ahlul- Ahwaa !

Related :

قال العلامة صالح الفوزان -حَفِظَهُ اللهُ-:

«ليس كل من ادعى السلفية يكون سلفياً، فقد ادعاها قوم جُهَّال لا يعرفون منهج السلف، و ادعاها قومٌ مُخرِّبون ينتحلون منهج الخوارج في سفك الدماء والإفساد في الأرض، وادعاها قوم  متعالمون لم يأخذوا العلم عن العلماء، وإنما أخذوه من الكتب والمطالعات والإعتماد على حفظ النصوص مجردا عن الفهم، والله سبحانه يقول {والسابقون الأولون من المهاجرين والأنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان} أي: بإتقان ولا يكون ذلك إلا بالعلم والعمل بمنهجهم......».

❒ [حقيقة المنهج السلفي (٦٥)للشيخ عبد الله الظفيري]

📚حمل الرسالة القيّمة من موقع الشيخ:

Abu Uways (rahimullaah) :

“We are concerned about the essence because everyone can claim something, anyone can claim anything ——- the poetry about a man called ;Majnoon Laila’ , the crazy o­ne of Laila. He was called the crazy o­ne of Laila because he loved Laila so much that he would o­nly talk about her. He would walk around the city wiping the places that Laila has been. He used to say : ‘I am wiping the wall, not because it is just a wall, but because Laila has passed by the wall.’ His point was that everyone claims that they are connected to Laila but Laila doesn’t agree to that.  Everyone claims that they are connected to the Sunnah, that is the call of today, ‘We are Qur’aan and Sunnah’, Akhi we are ‘Ahlul Sunnah’, Akhi we are ‘Salafieen,’ we are o­n ‘Dawah salafiyyah’, we are o­n Hadith ———- everyone claims that. The claim needs evidence. The claim needs actions and behaviour and dawah and belief that proves that.”

A claim will always remain just that, a claim. Until action is put behind it.

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