Shaykh Saalih ibn al-Fawzaan al-Fawzaan حفظه الله said:
فلا يجوز الأخذ
عن الجهال ولو كانوا متعالمين، ولا الأخذ عن المنحرفين في العقيدة بشرك أو
تعطيل، ولا الأخذ عن المبتدعة والمنحرفين وإن سموا علماء.
“It is not permissible to take [knowledge] from an ignorant even if they are Muta’aalim [1].
And it is not permissible to take [knowledge] from someone who has
deviancy in ‘Aqeedah (creed) such as shirk (polytheism) or negating the
names and attributes of Allaah. And it is not permissible to take
[knowledge] from an innovator or deviant even if they are called
[Source: Al-Ajwabah al-Mufeedah ‘an As’ilah al-Manaahij al-Jadeedah, page 254]
ILM is not (to be) taken from :
1. Safeeh (idiot) - fool who displays his foolishness
2. a person of Bid'ah - who calls to his desires
3. the one who LIES to people
4. the virtuous worshipper who doesnt memorise (preserve) what he preaches.
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