Monday 19 January 2015

Seek ILM , Leave the Job of the Scholars for the scholars.

We have a group of people in our city who are hasty in making Tabd’ee and openly warning against and ordering Hajr (abandonment) of people from Ahlus-Sunnah who do not agree with them in certain issues or in taking positions against certain people. This Ghuloo has lead to the splitting of Ahlus-Sunnah in Britain and has made people turn away from the Deen and the Da’wah. So what is your advice regarding these individuals and their like?

Answer by Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan:

My advice to you is that you turn to seeking knowledge and to leave the disputes and the argumentations. Where as if you were to seek knowledge and acquire that knowledge, you would know the solution to what you are facing. As such, as long as everyone remains ignorant, then the arguments will increase and continue and will not cease except with the seeking of knowledge. So upon you is to embark upon knowledge.
And do not turn to those who make Tabd’ee of people (declaring people to be innovators), or those who make Tafseeq of people (declaring people to be sinners and wrongdoers) or those who fall into cursing. So leave them and do not pay attention to them. Rather take into consideration the path that you are upon.

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