Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Salafi' Stance regd the Crime in France

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Below is the Speech of Sh.Ubayd al Jabiree حفظه الله  from the senior scholars of Madeenah (K.S.A) which warns from the criminal acts.

I've cut & pasted from the original site (to highlight some important words by underlining). Please refer to the original source link below the picture.

Source :

Its noteworthy from the 1st point above that people are of different levels :-
1. Scholars ( 'Ulema )
2. Qualified students of knowledge ( Tullabul 'Ilm al mu-aahaleen)
3. Students of knowledge ( lesser in rank ) - Tullabul 'ilm al'awaam
4. Laymen who attend gatherings of Ulema ( Commoners ) - 'awaamun Naas

Also its clear from the conclusion :-
"I advise the speakers and the teachers and the lecturers and the journalists who are Muslim to come to an agreement upon a singular word, and that is to openly proclaim innocence from these criminal missions and other than them from the acts of the anarchists."

 Based on the above advice, as a blogger who spreads articles online, I (salman) strongly condemn such cruel criminal terrorist acts of violence & nuisance whether it be from so-called Muslim groups or anyothers.

We (Ahlus-Sunnah) Salafis free ourselves from such barbaric acts & senseless deeds which arise from emotions, passion & desires rather than Ilm ( knowledge) , Baseerah (insight) & ta'ammul ( comprehension).

May Allah guide the Muslim ummah to understand their Deen & save the world from the perils of the ignorant ill-mannered devils from the shayaatenul Jinn & ins.
May Allah bless us with 'ilm & hilm.

Read more :

The Salafi Response To The Terrorist Attacks In Paris, France: “Were they forbidding an evil?”
Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid
→ The first point that must be made is that these attacks cannot be considered as heroic acts that have “once again raised the banner of Jihad” as the extremists claim. The Salafi scholar, Shaikh Sālih al-Fawzān stated regarding Jihād in the view of the extremists:
“So there are extremists who obligate Jihād in any and every situation without applying any pre-conditions or principles. They do so even if the Muslims are weak and powerless, and even if they do not have a Ruler over them. So each one fights the “enemy” and engages in battles and skirmishes without a legitimate rulership, and they kill the non-Muslims whom it is not permissible to kill. They kill people who have a treaty with the Muslim countries and they kill those who are protected by agreements and covenants. So this is extremism and not Jihād. Rather, these extremists go even further by blowing up homes, residential buildings and built-up areas of cities. They kill Muslims and non-Muslims, young and old, males and females, mercilessly. They put terror and fear into the Muslims and non-Muslims who live under the protection of the Muslim governments. Then they have the audacity to call that Jihād! Rather that is corruption and not Jihād. They draw the Muslims into evil, destruction and ruination. Jihād has pre-conditions and governing principles that are made clear in the books of Qur’anic Commentary, Prophetic Tradition and Islamic Jurisprudence.”
(Abridged from the speech of Sheikh Sālih Al-Fāwzān, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) …
To read the complete article CLICK HERE
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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