Wednesday 1 April 2015

April Fool Lies

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Beware of Lying for Verily Lying Guides to Sinfulness – April Fool's Day | Shaykh Muhammad ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee

Questioner: A person asks about April’s Fools Day which has become widespread nowadays. Perhaps you have something to say about this?

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee:

All praise is for Allah, and may Allah extoll and protect our prophet Muhammad, his household and companions. Certainly Allah has commanded us in His Book with truthfulness and to be with the truthful ones, as He – the Might and Majestic said;

“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds).” [9:119]

Likewise the Prophet prohibited lying and made it a major sins. He said: “Beware of lying for verily lying guides to sinfulness and sinfulness leads to the Fire. And a man does not cease to tell lies until he is written with Allah as a liar.”

So if this is the case, then upon the Muslim is to fear Allah and to abide by Allah’s command, and to obey His Messenger and to be very cautious of lying, because lying in all its forms is forbidden, and it is more severe in prohibition when it is done to make people laugh. What we know about this affair in question (April’s Fools Day) – which has unfortunately spread among the Muslims today, is that its origin returns back to the Jews and Christians and the lands of the East and West, because they make up these lies to make people laugh and to be remembered and to seek fame and to be known. As for us Muslims, then the Prophet said: “Woe to the man who makes up a lie to make the people laugh, Woe to him and again Woe to him” So upon us all is to be careful of this, and what has been asked about which is April’s Fools day is forbidden from two angles:

First Angle: It is a lie, and Allah has forbidden lying and we all heard the statement of the Prophet  “Beware of lying for verily lying guides to sinfulness and sinfulness leads to the Fire. And a man does not cease to tell lies until he is written with Allah as a liar.” [al-Bukharee no.6134]. This is from one angle.

Second Angle: its forbiddance becomes more severe on top of its original forbiddance, is that it is imitating the disbelievers, because those disbelievers lie, and do this and that, and perhaps even make up a big lie and a great catastrophe which will be spread and broadcasted.

Especially via the media, so it (the joke or lie) spreads to the east and west, causing much horror, and  thereafter it becomes clear that it has no basis. Likewise when the Muslim makes up a lie which frightens his Muslim brother, and his fear has an affect on him and his fright becomes severe because of it, and perhaps he may fall ill when he is told for example, so and so has died – from those who are precious to him – like his father, or brother, or son or daughter, or that it is said to him your house has been burgled or your house has burnt down, or the likes of these great affairs, he may also  become confused due to it and he may lose his mind and senses, or even become severely ill, so whose responsibility is this? This liar is responsible for what happens (to the person).

So this kind of lie becomes worse in its forbiddance  due to what it contains of tremendous evil, and also imitating the disbelievers. So upon the muslims is to beware of this to his best, and that they do not follow the disbelieving enemies of Allah, because Allah has commanded them to be with the truthful

“O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds)” [9:119]

Similarly the Prophet said: “The true Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe.” So if the person makes up a lie to frighten the people, then the Muslims haven’t been safe from his tongue.

I ask Allah to grant us all understanding and insight of His religion, to follow the Messenger of Allah and be very careful of imitating the disbelievers of the West or the East and of following the tradition of the Jews and Christians, and this – in actuality, has been informed by the Prophet so it is not strange that the Islamic Ummah fall into imitating the Jews and Christians step by step. They shall follow them hand-span by hand-span and an arm-length by another, even if they enter into a lizard’s hole, we will follow them. I ask Allah to grant us all the following of His messenger, and be very careful of that which angers our Lord by staying far away from these sort of things and the imitation of the disbelieving enemies of Allah, and by sticking to the path of the correct Islam and by following Allah’s straight path, He is the most Bounteous and Most Generous. And may Allah extoll and protect His slave and messenger, our prophet Muhammad, His household, His companions and those who follow Him in precision.

Translated by Abu Makkah ‘Abd ur-Rahman

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Regarding April Fools Day

Question posed to Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allah preserve him):
It has become popular amongst some people outside (of this country, in the disbelieving countries) to celebrate April Fool’s Day on the first day of April on the Gregorian calendar. Some of the Muslims blind follow them in that matter, being that they see the permissibility of lying on that day. How do you see this matter of belief and blind following (of the disbelievers)?
Answer from the Shaykh:
Lying is not permissible at all in all times. It’s not permissible to blind follow the disbelievers nor is it permissible to follow them in this or other than this. This is due to the statement of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): “Whoever imitates a people, then he is from them.”

Source:  Majallah ash-Shaqaa’iq #32

Translated by Abu Yusuf Khaleefah
9th of Jumaada ath-Thaani, 1436 H (03-30-2015)
Masjid Nur Allah, Queens, NYC

People of Knowledge أهل الذكر

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 12:09 AM PDT
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saaleh al-‘Uthaymeen [May Allaah have Mercy on him and grant him the highest station in Jannah] said:
Caution my Muslim brothers! Some of the foolish people have this day, ‘April fools’[1], I think this day is coming soon.
This form of permitted lying is from the ways of the Jews, Christians and the Zoroastrians and others from the people of Kufr.
Some of the reservations we have of this day:
1) They lie, and lying in our Shar’eeah is Haraam.
2) It involves imitating the Kuffaar and imitating the Kuffaar is Haraam. The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] said, “Whoever imitates a nation then he is from them.” [Narrated by Aboo Dawood (4031); classified as Saheeh by al-Albaanee in Saheeh Aboo Dawood (3401)]
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [May Allaah have Mercy on him] said, “It’s authenticity is acceptable. The ruling on imitation based on this Hadeeth is that it is Haraam but if we look at the apparent wording, imitation would mean one has done an act of Kufr (disbelief) as they are behaving like those who disbelieve.” [‘Iqtidaa as-Siraat al-Mustaqeem (1/042)]
Added to these are two are other major reservations:
3) The Muslims are succumbing to the ways of their enemies, because it is known by human nature, that the one who follows is impacted by the one whom he is following. If someone takes another to follow, then he believes that the one he is following is better than him. 

Based on this, following them in their practices (i.e. religious, acts of worship, festivals etc.) causes weakness for this nation and causes the believers to be downgraded in their status, causing inferiority of the Muslims to the Kuffaar. 
4) The fourth reservation is that most often, meaning the lies that spread, lead to people's wealth being lost. It also leads to another Muslim being frightened. Because of these lies, sometimes families are also affected. For example, a person may lie to another person by saying, “You are invited to eat at our house and many people will gather and we will prepare a huge banquet" but he is lying, and examples similar to this are all impermissible.
So it is obligatory upon the Muslim, to fear Allaah, the Glorified and the High, and that you uphold His Religion, be proud and pleased with it.
I have a guarantee to every Muslim, those who seek honour in the Religion of Allaah, that if they uphold their religion then they will be honoured with the people and their enemies will become inferior to them.
Do not think - oh Muslim – that following the Kuffaar, their manners and habits, causes one to be honoured and given superiority! Rather it causes one to be debased!
You are aware that if someone was to copy you in one of your deeds or actions, then you will experience these people following you will humble themselves towards you. To the extent that some of them will even imitate you in (everything that you do), and this is again something known by human nature.
So everyone who looks at our enemies, they will soon realise that we are actually stronger than them. We have more honour than them through our religion. We are not affected by their plotting against us. We are given guidelines on how to interact with them according to our Shar’eeah. The One Who Has Legislated (i.e. Allaah) for us has given us a solution for every time and every place (through being steadfast upon the religion). After He Sent the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] to mankind, the following Aayah was revealed:
“Say (O Muhammad): "O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah”  [A’raaf 7:158]
It is also narrated that the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] said, “By the One Whose Hands is in my soul, there is not a Jew or a Christian, that doesn’t believe in what I have come with, except he will be from the people of the fire.” [Narrated by Muslim (153)]
If this is the affair of the People of the Book, then what about those lesser than them from the Kuffaar?
Everyone who hears of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him] and does not follow him will be in the fire.
So if this is the reality of the situation, then what is wrong with us - oh Muslims – that we have made ourselves inferior and follow the way of those who are against us!?
We all know that what happened in the incident with Hercules, the great ruler of the Romans, and Abee Sufyaan. Aboo Sufyaan went to Hercules (to complain against the Prophet) yet he was not able to lie against him [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him]. He was careful in not saying anything that is not true about the Messenger of Allaah [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him].
So if this how the Kaafir (at that time Aboo Sufyaan was not a Muslim) dealt with the honour of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be Upon him], then what is wrong with you – Oh Muslim – that you need to lie?
And all Strength is from Allaah.
[Noor ‘ala al-Darb (Tape 17, 7:39 mins)]

[1] Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [May Allaah have Mercy on him]:
‘Alee bin Abee Taalib (May Allaah be Pleased with him) merely forbade the Muslims from using the same names (i.e. that it is not permissible to use names like Christmas, Boxing Day, Mother’s Day, April Fool’s Day etc.) that the Kuffaar do for their religious festivals (and special occasions), so how about those who participate on these days as they do?
[Iqtidaa’ as-Siraat al-Mustaqeem (1/516)]
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