Wednesday 9 November 2016

they don’t have any authority except for their obedience to their desires and their obedience to Shayṭān.

The Ruling on Suicide Bombings in Non-Muslim Lands

Question Posed to The Noble Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalī (may Allāh have mercy upon him):

Q. May Allāh reward you with goodness. There are some people who say: “Indeed the bombings in the lands of the non-Muslims is correct in light of their slaughtering the Muslims in Palestine and other regions.” So what is the origin of this matter?

A. This person (who says such a thing) speaks with his (personal) view; (a view) which is not supported by any remnants of knowledge. That’s because there are covenants and treaties between the (different) countries, the result being that every country is safe from the other. Therefore, it’s not permissible to breach the covenant.
In addition, this is not from the legislated Jihād. Rather, this is from the prohibitions (and) crimes due to the harm that comes about as a consequence. This transgression is not correct even if it is against a non-Muslim. Indeed this is never correct, and there is no Islamic evidence to support it. Rather the different countries have treaties, covenants, and agreements. Therefore it is not permissible for anyone to traverse the path of chaos. This is in order to prevent it from spreading in the world; from spreading chaos that results in the harming of Muslims and other than them, from the innocent and those whose blood Islām protects.
These acts of suicide bombings, assassinations, and (other) spontaneous satanic actions are not established with (any) evidence from the Book and the Sunnah. Rather its people have made errors in this matter based upon their own misunderstandings. They thus carry their own sins and the sins of those whom they made into soldiers and led astray, due to their lack of (having and understanding Islamic) knowledge. Consequently they (the followers) obey them (i.e the misguided/ignorant/confused leaders) and follow them without proofs. Rather they (the leaders) have convinced them (the followers) that they are (involved) in the true Jihād for the sake of Allāh. They the leaders have lied about that.
The true Jihād is only that Jihād whose conditions are fulfilled and its obstacles are removed. So has the misguided group traversed the path of the true Jihād? The answer is no. Do they have for themselves the legislated authority? The answer is that they don’t have any authority except for their obedience to their desires and their obedience to Shayṭān. Thus, they have done nothing but cause corruption, shed blood, and ravage wealth; they’ve done this all out of injustice, jealousy, oppression, and transgression. So upon them are the appropriate punishments (that) the people of corruption and crime (receive).

Source: Nuzhah al-Qārī Fī Sharḥ Kitāb al-‘Ilm min Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, pages 102-103
Original Arabic

حكم التفجيرات في بلاد الكفار

سؤال : جزاك الله خيراً، هناك بعض الناس يقول: إن التفجير في بلاد أهل الكفر حق مقابلة بما يفعلونه من مجازر المسلمين في فلسطين وغيرها فما هو الأصل في هذه المسألة؟

الجواب: هذا يقول برأيه الذي لا يدعمه أثارة من علم، لأن بين الدول معاهدات ومواثيق وكل دولة تأمن جانب الأخرى فلا يجوز الغدر، وليس هذا من الجهاد المشروع، بل من الإجرام الممنوع.
لما يترتب عليه من الضرر وهذا اعتداء لا يصح وإن كان على كافر فإنه لا يصح أبدا، ولا يسعفه دليل، بل الدول بينها مواثيق ومعاهدات واتفاقيات، فلا يجوز لأحدٍ أن يسلك سبيل الفوضى حتى تنتشر الفوضى في العالم، فتنقلب الأمور تصبح ضررا على المسلمين وعلى غيرهم وعلى البرءاء من الناس، والذين عصم الإسلام دماءهم
هذا التفجير وهذه الأغتيالات وهذه العمليات الارتجالية الشيطانية ما قامت على أدلة من الكتاب والسنة، بل بحسب مفاهيم خاطئة أخطأ فيها أهلها فحملوا أوزارهم وأوزار من أضلوهم بغير علم ممن جندوهم فأطاعوهم واتبعوهم بغير برهان، بل أقنعوهم بأنهم في جهاد في سبيل الله، وكذبوا في ذلك، إنما الجهاد الحق الذي توفرت شروطه، وانتفت موانعه
فهل سلكت الفئة الضالة طريق الجهاد الحق؟ الجواب لا
وهل لهم شيء من السلطة الشرعية؟
والجواب لا سلطة لهم إلا اتباع الهوى، وطاعة الشيطان، ففعلوا ما فعلوا من الفساد في سفك الدماء، وتدمير الأموال بغيًا وحسدًا، وظلمًا وعدوانًا، فعليهم ما يستحقون من عقوبات أهل الفساد والإجرام

نزهة القاري في شرح كتاب العلم من صحيح البخاري
للعلامة المجتهد زيد بن محمد المدخلي – رحمه الله – ١٠٢-١٠٣

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