Saturday 30 January 2016

How can spending increase our wealth ?!! When its SOLELY in the path of Allah for the sake of Allah it increases !

﴿ وَمَا أَنفَقْتُم مِّن شَيْءٍ فَهُوَ يُخْلِفُهُ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ

{And whatsoever you spend of anything (in Allaah’s cause), He will replace it. And He is the best of providers.} [Surah as-Saba’ (34): 39]

Imam Ibn Katheer رحمه الله says in his Tafseer (interpretation) of the above mentioned verse: "Whatever you spend in the ways that Allaah سبحانه و تعالى has commanded you and permitted you, He will compensate you for it in this world by giving you something else instead and in the Hereafter by giving you reward." –end of quote.

This is why Allaah سبحانه و تعالى, after commanding us to spend in His cause, said soon after it:

﴿الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِالْفَحْشَاء وَاللّهُ يَعِدُكُم مَّغْفِرَةً مِّنْهُ وَفَضْلاً وَاللّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ

{Shaytaan (Satan) threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit lewdness; whereas Allaah promises you Forgiveness from Himself and Bounty, and Allaah is All-sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower.} [Surah al-Baqarah (2): 268]

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال "ما من يوم يصبح العباد فيه إلا ملكان ينزلان فيقول أحدهما اللهم أعط منفقا خلفا ويقول الآخر اللهم أعط ممسكا تلفا"

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, 'O Allaah! Compensate every person who spends in Your cause,' and the other (angel) says, 'O Allaah! Destroy every miser.'"  [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 2, Kitab az-Zakat, Hadith 522 and Sahih Muslim]

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