Monday 16 November 2015

every intelligent believer condemns this, without doubt. - Loheidan

( جديد: 4- صفر- 1437 - الموافق 16/11/2015)
  العلامــة صالح اللحيـدان ـ حفظـه الله تعالى ـ على حادثــة فرنســا..لا شط أن ما حصل في فرنسا عمل شنيع، قبيح، خبيث. ..وهذا لا يقره عاقل مسلم أو غير مسلم.......

Shaykh Luhaydaan said, "In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. All praise belongs to Allah, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the most noble of all the creation, our Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and all those who follow them in goodness.
No doubt, that which we have heard and that which has been spread about this serious, heinous criminal act [shows] that this is an evil immoral act. It is not ever possible that Islam sanctions this, nor anyone truthful from mankind, who believes in Allah, the Exalted.
This is because this is evil, deceit, treachery, causing fear and terror.
Likewise it involves [harming] those who have no connection to foreign politics and policy, such as women and children [or] those who are incapable [of harming Muslims like the disabled and elderly] or may not be incapable [of harming Muslims but are civilians], [transgressing against innocent people by committing] this heinous, serious, atrocity [is a major sin].
Thus, every intelligent believer condemns this, without doubt.
Also, the Islamic countries that I have heard, and at the foremost of them is the Land of the two Holy Sanctuaries [Saudi Arabia] have severely condemned these actions.
This is a criminal act that deserves to be condemned by every believer and every intelligent person.
I ask Allah, the Exalted and Most High, to thwart [the actions] of the people of evil and the helpers of vileness and their leaders, [the people of] deceit and treachery, to thwart [their actions] immediately, without any delay. And Allah’s help is sought." Ref:

ADVICE for parents :-



📌 "The Muslim's Stance Regarding the Crime in France January 2015"

📢 Mashaykh
🔹Khalid Abdur-Rahman (Egypt)
🔸Muhammad bin Ramzaan (Saudi Arabia)
🔹Muhammad al-Anjaree (Kuwait)
🔸Aadil Mansoor (Yemen)
👉 Summarized translation and points of benefit by Br. Abu Remlah Aadam (حفظه الله):

A Prompt Critique of ISIS’s Statement on Paris Attacks Hassan Abdi

Following the Paris attacks, ISIS released an official statement claiming responsibility for the suicide bombings and shootings that killed at least 127 people in France.
This statement is part of a marketing campaign by ISIS to attract supporters based on ideological lines and political sentiment.
Any sensible person can see that ISIS is void of any Islamic integrity and basic principles of morality. ISIS “is not an expression of traditional Islam or fundamentalist Islam; it is a new understanding of Islam, cloaked in western revolutionary ideology.” ...

أخوكم أبو بلال نعيم بن عبد المجيد
Sent with Airmail
Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Ubaykaan said, "It is not allowed for the Muslim to be delighted [with terrorist attacks]. Rejoicing can only be in something that is legislated, and rejoicing in a sin is forbidden.
Also, the statement of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi was sallam, in which he said, “Whoever amongst you sees an evil then let him change it with his hand. If he is not able, then let him change it with his tongue. If he is not able, then let him hate it with his heart and this is the lowest level of eemaan.” [Collected by Muslim]
In one narration: “There is not a mustard seed of eemaan after that.”
So the one who doesn’t hate the evil in his heart doesn’t have a mustard seed of eemaan in his heart as mentioned in this hadeeth; this is the reward that has been legislated for him.
So what is the state of the one who is happy [with these evil and atrocious acts]?!"

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