Tuesday 29 March 2016

Warning is must but NOT always only warning warning & warning ! العباد

Shaykh Abdul Mohsin Al-Abbaad said, "Being preoccupied with warning [against other people upon the sunnah] and being engrossed with the people [of the sunnah] and [with]:
"What do you say about so and so?"
"And what do you say about so and so?"
"Should so and so be warned against?"
"So and so is not to be warned against!"
Brothers, all some people know is warning, busying themselves with warning—whilst not knowing a thing about the most rudimentary aspects of knowledge—he only busies himself with issues such as these.
So it is not fitting that a Muslim’s concern be to speak about people or to ask about statements made about people, and that his sole preoccupation be connected to people. He should busy himself with knowledge and should not let his tongue loose concerning the people.
Yes, it is possible to warn against a person whose evil, disobedient sinning, and harm has become apparent, but not everyone who makes a mistake or who slips up is to be warned against—because if that were the case there wouldn't be anyone who is not warned against! And who is there who has never sinned? And who is there who has good deeds only?
[Also he further] said, "...A person must guard his good deeds and not squander them [via backbiting others and slandering them with unjustified warnings against a person upon the sunnah], he must not distribute them amongst the people, but must guard them for himself and leave off busying himself with people [of the sunnah] and warning against them, he must preoccupy himself with beneficial knowledge, teaching it if he is qualified to teach and if not, then he learns."
Ref: giftsofknowledge.net

[Forwarded from مــنهاج السنة]
📌 قال العلامة احمد بن يحيى النجمي رحمه الله:

"يجب على طالب العلم أن يستغل وقته في طاعة الله سبحانه وتعالى وفي البحث عن العلم وحضور الحلقات، ولا بأس أن يسمع تحذير العلماء من أهل البدع  وبيان صفاتهم حتى يحذرهم، أمَّا لو جعلنا كل أوقاتنا في الكلام فيهم، ولا نشتغل بطلب العلم الذي ينفعنا ، فهذا لا شكَّ أنَّه خطأٌ كبير، وخطأٌ عظيم".

📚(الفتاوى الجلية: ج1 / 44).


✍ قـناة مــنهاج السنة :
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🖊جَزى اللهُ خيراً مَـنْ ساهمَ بنشْرِه 

Frankly, it is incumbent not to be excessive in these matters in a way that takes the student of knowledge out of the realm of truth into disputation and wasting time on speech that brings no benefit, rather man keeps going in closed circles. The seeker of knowledge must utilize his time in the obedience of his Lord, and in seeking knowledge and attending study circles. There is no harm if he listens to warning against them (1) and clarifying their characteristics so that he takes his precaution from them. As if we spend all of our times speaking about them and we do not seek the knowledge which benefits us, without a doubt that is a huge and great mistake.
Source: Al-Fataawaa Al-Jaliyyah p27-28


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