Tuesday 29 March 2016

Fear Allah wherever you are - السحيمي

Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee said:

“… verily the Taqwa of Allah is the basis of goodness for the student of knowledge and is the heading of his use for his knowledge that he is learning, because verily from the greatest of reasons for establishing the seeking of correct legal knowledge derived from the Kitab (Quran) and Sunnah is the Taqwa of Allah.

“Fear Allah and Allah will teach you” [2:282]

Some associated with knowledge – and we fear that all of us could fall into the loss of time in what contains no benefit, of “Qeela wa Qaala” (‘It was said’ and ‘he said’) and empty speech, which distances one from Allah and hardens the heart. You find many of the people, this is their main concern. They do not pray a Rakah or three at the last part of the night, because he has distractions that turn him away from the obedience of Allah. And he does not know that he is in the abode of a journey, the abode of a crossing, and the abode of a passing. So pray a farewell prayer, and be in this world like you are a stranger or a wayfarer. If you reach the evening then do not wait for the morning. If you reach the morning then do not wait for the evening. Busy your time with the fear of Allah. Populate your time with fear of Allah, with prayer and fasting and knowledge and recitation of the Quran. Be distracted by your own faults [rather than] the faults of others.

We see some of the students of knowledge, from the weakness of their Taqwa, they have no concern except speaking about people. And they have appointed themselves, due to the shallowness of their knowledge, they have appointed themselves as Imaams in Jarh wa Ta’deel; and they have filled up the refuses of the Internet from this matter. They are not giving victory to Islam nor are they giving defeat to the disbelievers, nor are they being of use to the Ummah.

One of them will speak to you and it is as if he is Yahya ibn Maeen (Imaam of Hadeeth) or Ahmad ibn Hanbal; and maybe he might not even perform correct wudhoo. And this is from what we suffer from these days. These (individuals) are not in agreement with,

“Fear Allah wherever you may be, and follow an evil deed with a good deed it will wipe it away. And deal with the people in a good manner.”

Not at all!

Give the bow to its owner and be humble with Allah, for verily whoever is humble with Allah, He will raise him. Leave the big issues for the scholars, the learned men who preach to others, the specialists, the distinct ones. Those who have great efforts in serving the Sunnah and the Aqeedah, and in serving Islam.

So what is incumbent for the Muslims in general, and specifically the students of knowledge, is that the Taqwa of Allah be their practice, privately and publicly, at night and at day, if they want the attainment of security and the pleasure of Allah, and if they want the correct legal knowledge derived from the Kitab and Sunnah.

“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”

If you wish to say a word, remember this hadeeth. If you wish to extend your hand to something, remember this hadeeth. If you want to walk to something with your legs, remember this hadeeth. If you want to disparage (Jarh) or praise (Ta’deel), remember this hadeeth. If you want to be a student of knowledge in truth, and if not (in truth) and you are not like that, then remember this hadeeth. Place it in front of your eyes in every conduct that you behave,

“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”

So that it will be your principle in any affair from doing a thing or leaving it off.

It is from this hadeeth,

“Fear Allah wherever you may be, and follow an evil deed with a good deed it will wipe it away. And deal with the people in a good manner.”

To move your tongue,

“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”

To activate your hearing and eyes and limbs.

“Fear Allah wherever you may be.”

This is the straight path to security and with other than that there is nothing except remorse.

And there is a new article by Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad al-Badr which has been published a few days ago with the title, “Mar’atan Ukhra: Rif’qan Ahl as-Sunnah bi Ahl al-Sunnah”. This is an article which concerns seekers of knowledge in a specific manner. And do not turn to what is attached to it from the mocking networks which criticize the likes of this article because of their (wrongful) elevation, arrogance within themselves, and their ignorance in the reality of what they are talking about. And they have adopted specific nicknames. This article is a great article – which we should follow its steps, and that we march in its method. So benefit from the writings of the scholars and shaykhs and turn down the fairy tales.”

From: Shaykh Suhaymee’s explanation of the hadeeth: “Fear Allah wherever you are”

المقطع أخذته من محاضرة: شرح حديث (إتق الله حيثما كنت..) ورابطها هنا:
وكانت بتاريخ:18-1-1432هـ http://alsoheemy.net/play.php?catsmktba=3267
التفريغ منقول من منتدى الآجري وقد قمت بإكمال ما لم يفرغوه:
"...إنَّ التقوى هي أساس صلاح طالب العلم وعنوان استفادته لعلمه الذي تعلمه، لأنَّ من أعظم أسباب تحقيق طلب العلم الشرعي الصحيح المستمد من الكتاب والسنة هي تقوى الله ((واتقوا الله ويعلمكم الله))، وبعض من المنتسبين إلى العلم ، ونخشى أن نكون كلنا واقعون في ذلك، هو إضاعة الأوقات فيما لا فائدة فيه، من القيل والقال والكلام الفارغ، الذي يُبعد عن الله ويُقسِّي القلب، وتجد كثيرًا من الناس هذا هو شُغْله الشاغل، ولا يصلي ركعة أو ثلاثا آخر الليل، لأنَّ لديه صوارف صرفته عن طاعة الله. وهو لا يدري أنه في دار سفر، وفي دار معبر، وفي دار ممر، فصلِّ صلاة مودع، وكن في هذه الدنيا كأنك غريب أو عابر سبيل، وإذا أمسيت فلا تنتظر الصباح، وإذا أصبحت فلا تنتظر المساء، اشغل وقتك بتقوى الله ، أعمر وقتك بتقوى الله، من الصلاة والصوم والعلم وتلاوة القرآن، واشتغل بعيوب نفسك عن عيوب غيرك.
نرى بعض طلبة العلم من ضَعْف تقواهم ، لا هم لهم إلا الكلام في الناس. ونصبوا أنفسهم -على ضَحالة علمهم- أئمةً في الجرح والتعديل، وملؤوا زبالات الإنترنت، من هذا الباب، وهم لا للإسلام نصروا ،ولا للكفار كسروا، ولا للأمة أفادوا.
يُحدثكم أحدهم وكأنَّه يحي بن معين أو أحمد بن حنبل وهو ربما لا يحسن وضوءه، وهذا ما نعاني منه هذه الأيام، هذا لا يتفق مع (( اتَّقِ الله حيثما كنتَ ، وأتْبِعِ السَّيِّئَةَ الحسَنَةَ تَمْحُهَا. وخالِقِ الناسَ بخلُق حسن)) أبدا.
أعطي القوس باريها، وتواضع لله فإن من تواضع لله رفعه، ودع المسائل الكبار للعلماء الربانيين المتخصصين البارزين، الذين لهم باع طويل في خدمة السنة والعقيدة وفي خدمة الإسلام.
فالذي ينبغي للمسلمين عامة وطلبة العلم خاصة، أن تكون تقوى الله عز وجل ديدنهم، سراً وجهاراً، وليلاً ونهاراً، إذا أرادوا الوصول إلى السلامة ومرضاة الله وإذا أرادوا العلم الشرعي الصحيح المستمد من الكتاب والسنة.
((اتَّقِ الله حيثما كنتَ ..)) إذا أردت أن تقول كلمة، تذكر هذا الحديث. 
إذا أردت أن تمد يدك إلى شيء، تذكر هذا الحديث


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