Monday 17 October 2016

Tableeghis & Ikhwanis are from the 72 groups calling to hell fire ابن باز



 The Jamaa’ah Tableegh & the Ikhwaan Muslimeen are amongst the 72 sects

Reference: Taken from the recording of the Shaykh Ibn Baaz’s lessons in Sharh al-Muntaqaa in Ta’if approximately 2 years or less before his death
Question: May Allaah grant you the best [of His favours]. In the hadeeth of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), relating to the splitting of the Ummah, he says:
«…and my Ummah shall split into 72 sects…».
So, is the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh, with what they have in terms of shirk and innovations; and also the Jamaa’ah al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen, with what they have in terms of partisanship and revolting/rebelling against the leaders and lack of obedience; from the 72 sects?
Response: They are from the 72 [sects]. Whoever opposes the ‘aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah enters the fold of the 72 [sects]. The meaning of the Prophet’s (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) statement«My Ummah» is: the Ummah of Ijaabah, i.e. the Ummah of response; those who responded to the Prophet’s call and revealed their allegiance to him. And the meaning of 73 sects: the victorious sect which adhered to him and was upright in their religion and 72 of those sects – amongst them the disbelievers, the sinners and various innovators.
So, the questioners asked: Are these two groups (Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh and Jamaa’ah al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen) from amongst the 72 sects?
And the Shaykh responded: Yes, they are from the amongst the 72 sects, along with the Murji’ah and other than them; the Murji’ah and the Khawaarij – some of the people of knowledge regard the Khawaarij from amongst the disbelievers, out of the fold of Islaam although amongst the 72 sects.

[Forwarded from مــنهاج السنة]
● سئل الشيخ عبد الرزّاق عفيفي (ت: ١٤١٥ هـ) رحمه الله:

عن خروج جماعة التبليغ لتذكير الناس بعظمة الله.

❍ فقال الشيخ -رحمه الله -:

"الواقع أنهم مبتدعة ومحرفون وأصحاب طرق قادرية وغيرهم،

وخروجهم ليس في سبيل الله، ولكنه في سبيل إلياس،

هم لا يدعون إلى الكتاب والسنة،

ولكن يدعون إلى إلياس شيخهم في بنجلادش، أما الخروج بقصد الدعوة إلى الإسلام فهو جهاد في سبيل الله،

وليس هذا هو خروج جماعة التبليغ،

وأنا أعرف جماعة التبليغ من زمان قديم، وهم المبتدعة في أي مكان كانوا هم في مصر، وإسرائيل، وأمريكا، والسعودية، كلهم مرتبطون بشيخهم إلياس ".

📚 فتاويه (صـ ٣٧٢).


✍ قـناة مــنهاج السنة :
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🖊جَزى اللهُ خيراً مَـنْ ساهمَ بنشْرِه

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