Saturday 8 October 2016

Stay healthy naturally

From Abdullaah bin-Mas'ood who narrates that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, "Indeed Allaah the Most High, did not send down a disease except that He sent down for it a cure, except death. So upon you is cow's milk, for indeed it ruminates upon every herbage". Reported by al-Haakim and declared Saheeh by Imaam al-Albaanee in Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer (no. 1810)

One thing we do know FOR SURE: The milk the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) and his Companions (radhiyallaahu anhum) drank was NOT pasteurized nor homogenized as these processes are inventions of the last 150 years! In fact it was as "organic" and "free-range" as it can be! Had it contained any inherent harm, or overwhelming suspicion of being affected by harm, he (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) would have informed us regarding that. If humans corrupt a natural product by adding harmful things to it or not taking care in its production or storage, then that does not render the original product in its pure and original form harmful. So if one returns to producing and obtaining milk in a pure, protected, caring and hygienic manner, then that milk is full of goodness, without any doubt or question. And this is what is being done all over the country now. So now where is the harm?

Al-Manaawee, in his "Faid ul-Qadeer", an explanation of as-Suyootee's "Jaami' us-Sagheer", which Imaam al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) did a checking of, comments upon these ahaadeeth, so we will take some quotations from him in this regard , and these are found under the letter "'ayn":

".. meaning, that it gathers "from all of the herbage", meaning from that which is hot, dry and moist (in its nature) and thus its milk approaches balance (in its composition), and when it eats from all (of the types of herbage) then it has gathered together all benefit in its eating. And this eating is for Allaah, not for itself, for if it chose that which is liked over that which is disliked, its eating would have been for itself ..."

He also said:

"... meaning that it does not leave any tree, shrub, herbage except that it attaches to it (eating therefrom), thus its milk is composed of the strength-giving (nutritive elements) of the various shrubs and diverse plants and thus it is as if it is a drink [whose elements] have been brought together and cooked [in the stomach of the cow] and it (i.e. the milk) is a cure for every disease."

Does this description come close to factory-farmed cows stuffed full with animal-based carnivorous feed, pumped full with antibiotics and steroids, deprived sunlight and denied "tree, shrub, and herbage"? The description of this milk described by the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) resembles the organically-certified milk that comes from "free-range" cows that are not pumped full of drugs and animal feed! There was NO pasteurization in the time of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wassallam).

Natural Remedies: Tried and tested to work. 

Below I share two ways in which fenugreek seeds can be used. 

Important: Please make sure that before you take this there is no allergy to the fenugreek or honey. 

1. Fenugreek + honey drink: For: colds / flu/ tight chest / asthma symptoms/ stomach upset / intestine. 

1. Boil 1/ 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a pan when the water turns a warm golden brown colour strain the tincture into a cup. Add honey about 1 teaspoon of honey. Give this 3 / 5 times a day depending on severity of symptoms. 

This very simple remedy is extremely effective for any age (it has been tried and tested with children as young as one and a half years and elderly (85 years). 

This is extremely effective with children, with young children make the tincture weaker/ not as strong (and if as a parent/carer you are concerned about honey content reduce the amount of honey or just give the tincture... but it will not be as effective. )

After being given this remedy, the daughter of her 85 year old father told me that her father had been taking antibiotics for chest illness with little effect. After one / two days of this simple remedy he noticed healing and cure and was able to sleep better at night. Now he asks for this drink over the antibiotics, Alhumduillaah. 

2. Fenugreeks seeds: During End of Pregnancy

This is a well known traditional remedy from India/ Gujarat. 

(Warning: not to be taken before this time as it is considered ‘hot’ for the body and can be harmful.) Please also make sure you do not have an allergy to the seeds. 

For women who are in their 36th week of pregnancy or after until birth. It will ease the process of the birth making it insha Allaah easy and quick. 

First thing every morning on an empty stomach take a very small palmful (maybe 10/15 seeds) and swallow on their own (no water or drink is to be taken). 

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