Monday 22 May 2017

Ascribing to the madh-hab of Salaf is NOT self-praising rather its DISTINGUISHING oneself from batil - الفوزان

🔹المقصود بالمنهج السلفي:

سئل العلّامة الإمام صالح بن فوزان الفوزان – حفظه الله -

"يتردد على ألسنة بعض الناس أن فلانًا هذا سلفي، وفلانًا غير سلفي، فما المقصود بالمذهب السلفي؟ ومن أبرز من دعا إليه من علماء المسلمين؟ وهل يمكن تسميتهم بأهل السنة والجماعة أو الفرقة الناجية؟ ثم ألا يعتبر هذا من باب التزكية للنفس؟ "

▫️الجواب :

"المقصود بالمذهب السلفي هو ما كان عليه سلف هذه الأمة من الصحابة والتابعين والأئمة المعتبرين من الاعتقاد الصحيح والمنهج السليم والإيمان الصادق والتمسك بالإسلام عقيدة وشريعة وأدبًا وسلوكًا؛ خلاف ما عليه المبتدعة والمنحرفون والمخرّفون.

ومن أبرز من دعا إلى مذهب السلف الأئمة الأربعة، وشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية، وتلاميذه، والشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب، وتلاميذه، وغيرهم من كل مصلح ومجدد، حيث لا يخلو زمان من قائم لله بحجة.

ولا بأس من تسميتهم بأهل السنة والجماعة؛ فرقًا بينهم وبين أصحاب المذاهب المنحرفة. وليس هذا تزكية للنفس، وإنما هو من التمييز بين أهل الحق وأهل الباطل. "

• من محاضرة بعنوان : [منهج السلف وحاجة الأمة اليه]↓↓↓


Question: What is meant by the Salafi madhab?
Answer: What is meant by the Salafi madhab is the way of the Salaf (early generations) of this Ummah, namely the Sahabah, Taabieen and prominent Imams with regard to issues of ‘aqeedah, sound method, sincere faith and adherence to the beliefs, laws, etiquette and conduct of Islam, unlike the innovators, deviants and those who are confused…There is nothing wrong with calling them Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah, so as to differentiate between them and the followers of deviant groups. This is not praising oneself, rather it is distinguishing between the people of truth and the people of falsehood.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan (Hafidahullah)
Al-Muntaqa min Fataawa al-Shaykh al-Fawzaan, 1/question no. 206.

 Question: Are Salafis/Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah opposed to the Hanafis, Maalikis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis
Answer: “Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah (Salafis) are not to be regarded as in opposition to the Maalikis, Shaafa’is, Hanbalis and the like, rather they are opposed to the followers of innovated and misguided beliefs and ways such as the Ash’aris, Mu’tazilah, Murji’is, Sufis and so on. The Hanafis, Maalikis, Shaafa’is and Hanbalis are schools of fiqh, whose imams are among Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah, and indeed are among the leaders of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah.”
From his book Hal al-Muslim mulzim bi Ittibaa’ Madhhab mu’ayyin min al-Madhhab al-Arba’ah, p. 38.
Question: Is Salafiyyah a group from amongst the (various) groups? And is the ascription to it blameworthy?
Answer: Salafiyyah: It is the saved sect, and they are Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, it is not a sect from amongst the party spirited groups that are labeled with partisanship; it is a Jamaa’ah upon the Sunnah and the Deen. He (the Prophet) sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “There will not cease to be a group of my nation manifest upon the truth, not being harmed by those who abandon them, nor by those who appose them.” Reported by Muslim (no.1920)
He (the Prophet) said: "This Ummah will split into seventy three sects all of them in the fire except one.”. They (the Companions) asked: “What is it (the saved sect) O Messenger of Allaah?” He (the Prophet) said: “Those that are upon what I and my Companions are upon today.” Reported by at-Tirmidhee (no.2641)
So Salafiyyah is a group upon the methodology of the Salaf, upon that which the Messenger and his Companions were upon, that is not a sect from the party spirited sects of today. Indeed it (as-Salaffiyah) is an ancient Jamaa’ah traced back to the time of the Messenger continually inherited legacy, remaining manifest upon the truth up until the establishment of the Hour as he informed.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Question: Is it correct that the Hanaabilah are the only Salafees? And what is the reality of as-Salafiyyah, is it associated with harshness and sternness as some people spread?
Answer:  This is not a correct statement; for indeed the Salaf us-Saalih (the pious predecessors) are the Sahaabah may Allaah be please with them, and whosoever followed their way, from the Taabi’een and the atba’at-Taabi’een, from the Hanafees and the Maalikees and the Shaafi’ees and the Hanbalees; and other than them from those whom traversed upon the truth and adhered to the mighty Book and the pure Sunnah, in the field of tawheed and in the Names and Attributes (of Allaah) and in all the affairs of the religion. And we ask Allaah that He makes us from them. And that He gives success to all the Muslims, in their governments and in their communities in all places, to cling to the mighty Book and the Sunnah of His truthful Messenger. And that they judge by them (Book and Sunnah) and use them for final determination. And that they warn against anyone that opposes them (the Book and the Sunnah). And He is the Protector and Guardian of that and fully capable over it.
Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Bin Baz

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