Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Impact of Allah's Guidance on the Person who says "اهدنا الصراط المستقيم"

The Impact of Allah's Guidance on the Person who says "اهدنا الصراط المستقيم 
Ibn AlQayyim said:
1) There are Matters which the Person did in the Past without Knowledge. (I.e. The person committed sins ignorantly). Out of Allah's Guidance, He will make him Remember these Sins and Guide him to Repent from them, in order for Allah to remove that sin from his record.
2) There are Matters which one knows the Basics, and General Information, but does not know the Details of. Allah will Guide him to Know the Details.
E.g. The person knows Islam generally; that he has to pray and fast, but he does not know beyond that. Out of Allah's Guidance, He will guide him to the details of knowlege.
3) There are Matters in which one is Guided to one Aspect of but not the Other Aspects. Allah will Guide him to know the Matter from All Aspects.
E.g. He knows Tawakkul, but he does not know how to make Tawakkul, or the connection between taking the means with Tawakkul. Allah will guide him to know all the aspects of that matter.
4) There are Matters which one needs Guidance in the Future
E.g. The person may be performing a good deed, and is afraid of stopping in the future. When the person says, "اهدنا الصراط المستقيم" Allah will make him continue to do the good deed for the rest of his life; He will keep that person firm on the right path.
5) There are Matters the Person Thinks Wrongly about; Contrary to what Allah wants. Allah will Guide him to Think Correctly.
E.g. He thinks that no matter how nice he is to people, people will not respect him anyway. Out of Allah's Guidance, Allah will guide him to be good because he is dealing with Allah, and to wait for the reward from Allah, not people.
6) There are Matters which the Person Knows about, and is Able to do, but he is Weak in Resolution.
E.g. He knows Qiyam Al-Layl is good. Out of Allah's Guidance, Allah will enable him to take that action.
E.g. He knows of the virtues of the last third of the night, that Allah Descends and Asks:
"Who supplicates Me so that I may answer him? Who asks Me so that I may give to him? Who asks Me forgiveness so that I may forgive him?" [Muslim #758]
But he does not get up for the late night prayer. If he says, "اهدنا الصراط المستقيم" from his heart, Allah will enable him to get up.
7) There are Matters the Person is Unable to do, although he is Willing to Do Them.
E.g. The person has old, moody parents, whom nothing pleases. He wants to be dutiful to them, but he does not know what to do. Out of Allah's Guidance, He will enable him to do good and be dutiful to his parents.
8) There are Matters the Person is Unable to do and has no Will to do. Allah will guide him to Perform Them and Give him Strong Will.
E.g. He believes that remembrance of Allah is a good deed, but he does not have the will to do it and is unable to. Allah will guide him to remember Allah and make him one of the "ذاكرين الله كثيرة"
9) There are Matters the Person Performs with Knowledge, Good Intention, Diligence, but he needs الثبات (Firmness). Out of Allah's Guidance, Allah will keep him firm.
When will you attain these? When you say "اهدنا الصراط المستقيم - "Ihdeena as-sirat-al mustaqeem" truthfully and sincerely from your heart. We say this many times but we need to bring all these matters in front of our eyes.

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