Saturday 28 January 2017

Iodized Table Salt vs Himalayan Rock crystal salt !

Table salt: “The Health Destroyer”

Many people are unaware that common table salt contains chemicals and even sugar! Salt is necessary but can be dangerous if taken in this chemical form.
Table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and sugar. Common salt is dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit, a process which zaps many of the natural chemical structures.
The table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and processed foods is void of nutritional value, lacking beneficial trace minerals. Processing salt turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader! The body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way which can lead to irritation of the tissues, water retention, and high blood pressure.

Why is Himalayan salt pink in color?

The pink color is due to the presence of iron oxide. You may know it by its common name – rust. Himalayan salt is about 96% sodium chloride, the same as table salt. The remaining 4% are potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as tens of additional trace minerals.
Himalayan Salt - 10 Things to Know | Fooducate

 What are the benefits of Himalayan salt?

Because of these minerals Himalayan pink salt can:

    Create an electrolyte balance.
    Increases hydration.
    Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells.
    Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux.
    Prevent muscle cramping.
    Aid in proper metabolism functioning.
    Strengthen bones.
    Lower blood pressure.

10 Amazing Benefits of Pink (Himalayan) Salt | fitlife.t

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