Islam forbids women to work in fields that do not befit her. It is proven, especially in societies where the two sexes intermix freely, that men and women are not naturally equivalent. It is clear in the Qur'an and the Sunnah that both sexes are different in nature and duties. Those who call for equality between the two sexes; the females who are brought up in adornments and inclined to peaceful life, and males, are ignorant or intentionally ignore the basic differences between them.
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We have mentioned many Shari`ah texts that prove the prohibition of free intermixing of men and women and women's engagement in jobs that do not befit her. However, some people might benefit from statements by Eastern and Western intellectuals more than the Qur'an, the sayings of the Messenger (peace be upon him), and Muslim scholars. Therefore, it is more useful to cite the confessions of the intellectuals in the East and the West concerning the negative effects of free intermixing, so the opponents may be convinced and learn that the teachings of Islam are for the protection of women.
English writer Lady Cook said that men like and prefer a mixed environment. And thus women are lured to something that conflicts with their human nature. The greater the co-ed. Environment (between male and female), the more illegitimate children the society will have. This is the greatest disaster, she said, urging people to learn women that men are luring.
The philosopher Schopenhauer said, "Hence, with that absurd arrangement which allows them to share the rank and title of their husbands, they are a constant stimulus to his ignoble ambitions. And, furthermore, it is just because they are Philistines that modern society, where they take the lead and set the tone, is in such a bad way."
Lord Byron said, "Thought of the state of women under the ancient Greeks - convenient enough. Present state, a remnant of the barbarism of the chivalric and the feudal ages - artificial and unnatural. They ought to mind home - and be well fed and clothed but not mixed in society."
The British writer Samuel Smiles said, "The system that has required women to work in factories and industrial areas, regardless of the national wealth it brings, has destroyed the family life. It has attacked, in fact, the basic structure and foundations of the home and destroyed the essential pillars of the family. It has cut and destroyed social ties as well.
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Stripping the wife from her husband, and depriving children of their rights of proper, tender and maternal care, has resulted in lower moral values for the women. The real job and profession of a woman is to raise a good, sound and moral family. She is mainly required to take care of household responsibilities, home economics and other domestic needs. Work in factories has stripped the woman, as we pointed earlier, of all these responsibilities which changed the looks and the realities of the inner home. Children, as well, were often neglected and raised with no sound standards. The love and affection between a husband and wife were somewhat extinguished. The woman was no longer the sought after, wanted, admired and loved by man, after he got used to seeing her in the factory next to him doing the same thing he does. Women came under many influences and pressures that changed her mentality and thinking pattern on which moral values and virtues were established."
An American professor called Adeline said that the reason for family crises in the United States and the increase in the crime rate is because a woman has abandoned her house in order to double the family's income. The income increased but the morals declined. She added that woman's return to her house is the only way to save the new generations from deterioration.
A Congressman said a woman can truly serve her country if she stays at her house which is the essence of a family.
Another Congressman said when Allah granted women the ability to produce children, He made it her duty to stay in her house to take care of children and not leave them to work outside her house.
German philosopher Schopenhauer also said, "Grant woman total and absolute freedom for one year only, and check with me after that to see the results of such freedom. Do not forget that you (all), along with me, will feel sad at the loss of virtue, chastity and good morals. If I die (before then) you are free to say either: "He was wrong!" or "He hit the heart of the truth!" These quotations were mentioned by Dr. Mustafa Husny Al-Siba`y (may Allah be merciful to him) in his book 'Al-Mar'ah bayn Al-Fiqh wa Al-Qanun.'
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Following and gathering the numerous sayings of the unbiased Western writers on the disadvantages of free intermixing of men and women that followed after women's participation with men at work may form volumes. However, the above quotations are enough.
In conclusion, it is better for a woman to stay in her house and carry out her domestic duties after performing her religious obligations as it is suitable for her natural dispositions. It is for the sake of her welfare as well as that of society and the youth. She may spend her spare time in fields that are for women, such as teaching, curing, and nursing women. Thus, they cooperate with men in developing society but each in one's field. We are not to forget the role of the Mothers of the Believers and those who followed in their footsteps in teaching, directing, guiding the nation, and conveying the Message of Allah (Glorified be He) from His Messenger (peace be upon him). May Allah reward them the best! There are many Muslim women who are following in their footsteps while wearing Hijab and staying away from free intermixing with men in their workplaces.
May Allah help us carry out our duties in the best manner that pleases Him and protect us all from the means to Fitnah and Satanic tricks. He is the Most Generous. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His servant and Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.
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لما بعث الله رسوله محمداً صلى الله عليه وسلم أنكر هذا العمل ومنعه لما فتح الله له مكة وجعل له السلطة على أهلها فقال: (لا يحج بعد هذا العام مشرك ولا يطوف بالبيت عريان) وبعد هذا دبَّ الشيطان وأعوانه من شياطين الجن والإنس في هذا الزمان إلى المسلمين مطالبين بكشف العورات وخلع لباس الحشمة، طالبوا بإخراج المرأة عن الآداب الشرعية إلى الآداب الكافرة الإفرنجية وطالبوها بخلع الحجاب وإظهار الزينة وطالبوها بالخروج من البيت ومشاركة الرجال في أعمالهم التي لا تليق بالمرأة، طالبوا باختلاطها مع الرجال في مجالات العمل وفي مجالات اللهو واللعب في المسارح والمراقص ودور اللهو، طالبوها بأن تداوم في الوظيفة كدوام الرجال رغم ما يعتريها من حمل وولادة وحيض ونفاس، طالبوا أن تتولَّى المرأة أعمالاً لا يتحقق لها القيام بها إلا بالتنازل عن حيائها وحشمتها، بل طالبوا أن تقوم بأعمال لا تطيق القيام بها خلقة وطبيعة أن تكون وزيرة وسفيرة ومديرة ورئيسة أعمال متناسين أنها أنثى خُلقت لأعمال النساء لا لأعمال الرجال {وَلَيْسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالأُنثَى}، إن الكفار حينما ينادون بذلك يريدون أن يسلبوا المرأة كرامتها ومكانتها اللائقة بها حتى ما تمتع به المرأة المسلمة من عزة وكرامة ومكانة عالية، ومن ينعق بأفكارهم ممن هم من جلدتنا ويتكلمون بألسنتنا في الصحف والمجلات والمؤلفات إنما ينعقون بما لم يدركوا عواقبه الوخيمة أو يدركوا ذلك ولكن يريدون أن يرضوا أسيادهم أو يريدون أن تكون المرأة ألعوبة بأيديهم يستمتعون بمايتمكنون من الاستمتاع به منها، والعجيب أن بعض النساء المخدوعات ينعقن بهذه الأفكار دون أن يدركن ما يحاك ضدهن فهن كما قال الشاعر:
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