The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"Kindness is not to be found in anything without adding to its beauty, and it is not withdrawn from anything without making it defective."
He (peace be upon him) also said,
"Indeed, Allah grants for kindness that which He does not grant for severity."
There are many other Hadiths informing us that it is the duty of the callers to Allah and those who advise Allah's Servants to choose the most suitable and effective ways with kind and fine sentences without any violence or repulsion. They should use the words most likely to convince a sinner to return to the Truth and accept it renouncing their sin or evil deed. In addition, callers are advised not to adopt harsh methods that drive people away from the Truth and make them reject it.
May Allah guide us and all Muslims to understanding His religion, steadfastness on it, and calling others to it! I seek refuge with Allah from the evils within our selves, from our evil deeds, and from attributing words to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) ignorantly, for He alone is Capable of that! Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, Companions, and those guided with his guidance until the Day of Judgment!
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