Sunday 29 March 2015

Call to Tawheed oh Callers to Tawheed !

Shaykh ‘Ali Nasir al-Faqihi:

When the Prophet was appointed as a messenger, he stayed in Mecca – as we all know, for thirteen years calling people to the worship of Allah and abandonment of false gods. He had no authority or power in order to carry out Jihad.
When he went to Taa’if to seek the help of its people in propagating the call to pure monotheism – at that time Abu Taalib (his uncle) had passed away; he died upon disbelief even though he used to help the Prophet ﷺ.
None of the Quraysh (the people of Mecca) were able to harm the Prophet during Abu Taalib’s life time; so when he passed away and also Khadeejah (the Prophet’s wife, her title being) mother of the believers, he ﷺ went to Taaif seeking the help of its people and whoever he could guide. He wanted them to help him in the struggle and propagation of the call: worship should be directed to none other than our Creator, Allah. They responded to him terribly: they ridiculed and mocked him, and they did not leave it at that, they incited the foolish rabble to pelt him with stones until he bled; consequently he returned in that state (bloodied and grieved).
The Quraysh (people of Mecca) lay in wait for him, namely Abu Jahal and his associates. Abu Jahal’s affair had reached the point of persecution of the underprivileged believers and the Prophet ﷺ could not find anyone that would help him propagate this message.
He was on his way back to Mecca going through the mountain pass of Taa’if when a cloud shadowed over him, so he turned and to his surprise there was Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) greeting him with salaam; he said to him: “O Muhammed, Indeed Allah heard the speech of your people and what they responded to you with” – this hadith is in Saheeh al-Bukhari in the chapter of Tawhid, “Indeed Allah heard the speech of your people and what they responded to you with and Indeed Allah has sent the Angel of mountains so that you may command him to do as you will”.
The Angel of mountains then gave salaam to him and said: If you want me to crush them between akhshabain, then I’ll do so”. Akhshabain are two mountains located in Mecca and Taa’if.
The Messenger, while in this state of dejection, in the scorching heat, having been pelted with stones and ridiculed, then had the upper hand. The Angel of mountains was commanded to carry out whatever the Prophet instructed, so when the Angle asked the prophet about collapsing the mountains upon them, what did the Prophet say to him?! (he said): “Instead I’ll be patient (with them) in the hope that Allah will bring about from their offspring a people who worship Allah alone without associating any idols or gods with Him”.
Translated by  ‘Abd ur-Rahman Hugh

أين الغيرة على التوحيد يادعاة الإسلام ؟

قبور يطاف حولها وأضرحة يتبرك بها وأولياء يدعون من دون الله، ومشاهد تقصد بالزيارة والذبح والنذور، وفرق وطوائف خرافية قبورية تشرك في الربوبية والآلوهية.

وتجد في المقابل ضعفا عند كثير من الناس في الدعوة إلى التوحيد والعقيدة الصحيحة.

تجد بعضهم يحاضر مئات المحاضرات ويغرد الآف التغريدات في كل شيء ولكن يترك أهم شيء!!

الدعوة إلى التوحيد.

وإن تكلم تكلم بكلام قليل جداًّ في هذا الأصل الأصيل الذي هو أول واجب على العبيد
وإنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون.

قال الشيخ مبارك الميلي رحمه الله :

" فلا ترك النبيّ صلى الله عليه و سلم التّنديد بالأصنام و هو وحيد، و لا ذهل عنه و هو محصور بالشّعب ثلاث سنوات شديدات، و لا نسيه و هو مختف في هجرته ، و العدوّ مشتدّ في طلبه، 
و لا قطع الحديث عنه و هو ظاهر بمدينته بين أنصاره، و لا غلق باب الخوض فيه بعد فتح مكّة، و لا شُغل عنه و هو يجاهد و ينتصر و يكرّ و لا يفرّ، و لا اكتفى بطلب البيعة على القتال عن تكرير عرض البيعة على التوحيد و نبذ الشرك، و هذه سيرته المدوّنة ، و أحاديثه المصحّحة ، فتتبّعها تجد تصديق ما ادّعينا ، و تفصيل ما أجملنا ". أ.هـ.

[ رسالة الشرك و مظاهره ( 19 ) ] .

أبوالحارث أسامة بن سعود العمري
المشرف العام على شبكة الورقات السلفية
غفر الله له ولمشايخه وللمسلمين.

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