Allaah (تعالى ) said: “I Have Forbidden Oppression” – Explained by Shaykh Utahymeen
Question: Is it permissible for us to take the wealth or possessions of the Muā’had? [9]
No, it is neither permissible for us to take the wealth and possessions
of those with whom we have an understood agreement of peace, nor is it
permissible for us to take their blood. The prophet (صلّى الله عليه
وسلّم ) said:
Whoever murders a Muā’had will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise although its fragrance can be smelled from forty years away. [10]
We ask Allah for his help.
this, we know the extent of the aggression, oppression, and utter
misguidance of those arrogant individuals who hostilely transgress in
taking the wealth and possessions of Muā’had unbelievers regardless of
whether they are non-Muslims living peacefully with you in your land or
if you were in their lands. We hear of some youths in non-Muslim lands
claiming there is nothing wrong with taking wealth or ruining the
possessions of disbelievers. You find them breaking street lights,
destroying shops, and smashing cars. This is impermissible in Islam.
Glorified is Allah! A nation of people accepts you as guests into their
lands, you are under their authority and their agreement of trust and
yet you betray them. This is the severest form of misrepresenting and
dishonoring Islam; it is slandering and disgracing Islam.
the dishonor and disgrace is not actually against Islam. Rather it is
against those individuals themselves – those who claim ascription to
Islam. For that, it is incumbent to know that the wealth of non-Muslims
under a trust or agreement of peace is sacred regardless of whether they
are living peacefully among you or you with them in their lands. It is
forbidden to show aggression and hostility against them because that is
Translator’s Note: Muā’had refers to non-Muslims with whom Muslims have
a stated or understood agreement of peace. This may be in the form of
official documents (such as entry visas into one another’s countries) or
the lack of any official, government-sponsored declaration of war.
Thus, the actions of today’s Muslim terrorists, as they declare whole
groups or nations of non-Muslims as enemy combatants as they see fit,
are neither Islamic nor are they in conjunction with the ḥadīth above
(and many other Islamic texts), and Allah knows best.
[10] Recorded by al-Bukhārī (no. 3166).
Translated by Abu az-Zubayr Harrison hafidhahullaah
Posted from Original PDF:
http://authentic-translations. com/trans-pub/ae_misau_12.pdf